ruthless /ˈruːθlɪs/ CET6+ TEM4 ADJ If you say that someoneis ruthless, you mean that you disapprove of them because they are very harsh or cruel, and will do anything that is necessary to achieve what they want. 残酷的 [表不满] 例: The president was ruthless in dealing wit...
sat考试高频词汇表 在sat备考中需要注意积累词汇,打好词汇基础可以帮助我们更有效的备考,新东方在线sat考试网整理了sat考试高频词汇表,希望各位可以结合适合自己的方法记忆这些词汇。 1.Positive attitude 喜悦:delight, please, excite, exhilarate, cheerful, ebullient, enthusiasm, 赞赏:appreciate, admire, celebrate, ...
SAT词汇表 List 1 1 peruse vt.熟读,精读,阅读 to read over in an attentive or leisurely manner 2 euphemism n.委婉的说法 the substitution of an agreeable or inoffensive expression for one that may offend or suggest something unpleasant 3 toxic a.有毒的,中毒的 POISONOUS 4 career n.事业,生涯,...
SAT词汇表:SAT考前必背高频词(301-350) 251. gerrymandering gerrymandering /ˌdʒɛrɪˈmændərɪŋ/ N-UNCOUNT Gerrymandering isthe act ofaltering political boundaries in order to give an unfair advantageto onepolitical party or group of people. (为使某一党获得优势)改划选区 [表...
SAT词汇(高难高频词汇)词汇表debilitate congenial congenital abridge pithy tout rhetoric plausible insatiable efficacious obdurate obstinate stubborn opinionated treacly petulant traumatic copious bountiful upshot veer tantamount florid wistful flora fauna fallow balk unassuming suave urbane veneer simulate haven as...
Ssurface area 表面积 X-axis X轴 X-coordinate X坐标 XY-coordinate system 平面直角坐标系,同XY-plane Y-axis Y轴 Y-coordinate Y坐标 不知道同学们看了以上单词是否有不熟的,不管SAT数学怎么变化,这些单词一定不会减少,所以平时自己要总结,并烂熟于心。
下面为大家整理的是关于心情类SAT词汇,非常实用,大家和小站教育一起来看看这些词汇吧! 表示态度类的:Positive attitude: 喜:delight,please,excite,exhilarate,cheerful,ebullient,enthusiasm. 赞:appreciate,admire,celebrate,espouse,champion,commend,endorse.
SAT考试高频词汇表(R字头)。下面为大家汇总了SAT考试高频词汇,主要是以R开头的,供同学们进行下载参考。 点击下载SAT词汇资料 SAT考试中R字母开头的高频词汇很多,小编整理SAT高频词汇之R部,供大家参考。 rail (v.) to scold, protest (The professor railed against the injustice of the college’s tenure policy...
SAT词汇表之常用词汇全集北京新航道为考生指导SAT考试并且为需要的学子提供SAT培训。SAT备考尤其重要,下面我们为考生整理了一些关于SAT常用词汇,希望帮助考生备考SAT提供一些帮助和借鉴g to the subject at hand; important or significant; pertinent (relevance, irrelevant) (62)careful; cautious, especially ...
SAT词汇中很多词汇每年必考,以字母S开头的词汇应用很多,小编整理SAT高频词汇之S部,供大家参考。 saccharine (adj.) sickeningly sweet (Tom’s saccharine manner, although intended to make him popular, actually repelled his classmates.) sacrosanct (adj.) holy, something that should not be ...