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…the Nazis maintained popular support—a necessary precondition for the “final solution”—not because of terror or ideological affinity but through a simple system of “plunder,”“bribery,” and a generous welfare state. …Requisitioned Jewish property, resources stolen from the conquered, and p...
I have written before about FDR’s fascistic methods. See, for example, “FDR and Fascism” and “FDR and Fascism: More Data“. If you’re wondering how FDR could have been a fascist when he was a bitter enemy of the openly fascistic Axis powers, you need to understand what constitutes...
A competent historian would never say Obama was engaged in a Crusade, for the simple reason thatObama's not trying to recover formerly Christian lands in the Middle East. (It helps, when one accuses another of launching aCrusade, to have some familiarity with the actual DEFINITION of the wor...